Pursuing Happiness

Scripture Reading - Proverbs 3:13-14 KJV

13 Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding.
14 For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine gold.

In today’s lesson we will speak on “Pursuing Happiness in God”. Notice we did not say pursuing success because you can pursue success and not be happy at all. When we use the term “Pursuing Happiness in God” we are specifically speaking about attaining “happiness God’s Way”. Did you know that God has given us directions on obtaining “happiness”? Although some people naively think that all Christians should be “happy” because they are saved. The Good Lord’s Salvation won’t automatically make someone “happy”. Why? One reason is the plan of salvation is primarily about what Jesus did for us not necessarily what we are doing in Him. Yes His awesome work on the Cross at Calvary made “true happiness” available to everyone but not everyone knows how to receive it because many don’t care to receive Him. Now all the unbeliever has to do is believe in the atoning work of Jesus Christ and repent of their sins with the confession of Jesus Lordship over their life and they will be saved. However, unless that new believer starts doing (living) God’s Word they will stay in bondage to this world’s system which includes sadness and depression. Yes, every child of God must be willing to grow up in God for peace, purpose and prosperity. In today’s scripture we notice two key components of “happiness”. The two are wisdom and understanding. These two essential elements precede “happiness” which means you need both of these working in your heart to be “happy”. We must say that just any wisdom and understanding will not do because God is specifically speaking about His Wisdom and His Understanding. The wisdom and understanding of God come directly from His Holy Word, known as the Holy Bible. Therefore we must read, study and meditate in God’s Word to gain this precious wisdom and understanding of what God has done for us, what we should be doing to receive from Him and also what He is currently doing to bless us and keep us until we go home to Heaven. The reason we (ihlcc) entitled this article “pursuing happiness” is because “happiness” is never automatic, nor is it accidentally stumbled upon. You must be willing to “pursue happiness” very diligently (at all cost) to gain the wisdom and knowledge necessary for an accurate understanding of God. If you stop and think about it, generally speaking, “happiness” is a result of your positive thoughts that are in the forefront of your mind. Likewise, sadness comes from the negative thoughts surfacing in your mind. Yes, what your soul is speaking inside your heart will determine your level of “happiness” in your body or the lack of “happiness” thereof. Everyone in the earth is subject to God’s Ways so it is to our advantage to pay close attention to what we have on our mind. We notice in Proverbs 16:20 KJV the statement “He that handleth a matter wisely shall find good: and whoso trusteth in the LORD, happy is he.” This bears witness that wisdom is necessary because you can never answer wisely without (void of) God’s wisdom. Thus the better you understand God’s Word the more wisdom you shall have at your beckon and call to use precisely when you need it. The additional truth we hear in that same verse is “happy” is the man (or woman, or child) that trusts in the Lord. We know this to be true because without God you can do nothing which means you are useless outside of Christ but within Christ all things are possible unto you. It makes us (ihlcc) “very happy” to think about God’s goodness unto us. For as a man thinks in his heart so is he according to Proverbs 23:7a. We are practicing “being happy” on purpose because if we don’t the cares and frustrations of this life will weigh us down. According to Psalms 128:1-2 KJV, “Blessed is every one that feareth the LORD; that walketh in his ways. For thou shalt eat the labour of thine hands: happy shalt thou be, and it shall be well with thee.” We notice that “happiness” comes with working (job) satisfaction. So we must say if you don’t have a job that you can be “happy” with you might want to consider finding one you can. However, typically since “happiness” is a byproduct of your current mental state the job should not be able to stop your “happiness” when you are aggressively pursuing it (Him) but rather the job can only be a contributing element to your current mental state. We (ihlcc) recommend taking the words/promises of God to work with you and keeping them in front of your thoughts so the Presence of God (The Holy Spirit) can fellowship with you all during the day to keep you ‘happy” and in peace. As we said earlier if you desire to be “truly happy” you are going to have to go after it whole heartedly because anything less than that will not do (definitely not halfheartedly). There is no such thing as being partially “happy” either you are “happy in God” or you are not. Proverbs 29:18 KJV points out that “Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.” Therefore “happiness” is for those who keep God’s Word it is not for those who choose to discard God’s Ways. Yes, this scripture confirms what we have been teaching today which is being a doer of God’s Word will stimulate “God’s Happiness” first in your mind and cause it to overflow to your atmosphere. Yes, we did say your atmosphere because you must create the atmosphere around you in the since of making it your own or otherwise the atmosphere you are in will influence you either positively or negatively. If you are a true disciple of Jesus Christ, in other words a doer of the truths you know in God’s Word (God’s Will) will be clear to you (due to enlightened understanding) and in doing His Will you will be “happy” according to John 13:17. A note of understanding is due here in the since of realizing that God will deal with you concerning His personal will for your life. So, dear faithful believer, never grow weary of God’s correction because any sign of rebellion against God’s Ways (the Holy Spirit) or against God’s Will (the Word of God) will not yield any “happiness and joy”. In fact quite the opposite will occur (manifest), things like sadness, pride and anger will rise up in your heart to push away all “hope for happiness”. Please realize that we (most Christians) are so ignorant of so many things in God that He must correct us to conform us into His Image and Likeness! It is very necessary for the Lord to help us through correction because if we don’t know exactly where we are going or how to get there we would never arrive to our divine destination without correction. God’s correction is the same as His guidance it is always done through the motive of Love. Remember Job 5:17 KJV “Behold, happy is the man whom God correcteth: therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty:” We all know that Job was a blessed man of God and he prayed to God daily but even with wealth and riches Job was “not happy (satisfied)” until he learned more about God through wisdom and understanding. Likewise, seek after God’s Word in all manner of wisdom and understanding so that you can trust God enough to obey His Word (His Will for your life) unto all “happiness”, peace and prosperity in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen!